Iowa DD Council Logo



The DD Council has various grants available to help offset some of the costs of getting more involved in civic and political processes in your community and state.

Capitol Advocacy Days Grants

The Iowa Developmental Disabilities Council (DD Council) encourages and supports advocacy groups to visit the Iowa Capitol during the Iowa Legislative Session. The goals of the visit are to learn about the legislative process, build relationships with lawmakers, and educate them on issues that affect Iowans with disabilities. Grant funds can cover travel expenses. The DD Council will also provide advocacy training and guidance at the Capitol. Activities must be non-partisan and support individuals with disabilities and their families.

To apply for a Capitol Day grant, fill out the Capitol Advocacy Days grant application. Call (800) 452-1936 or email us at with any questions. Grants are available on a first come basis. If grant funds run out, groups may still receive training and guidance at the Capitol as requested.

Funds can be used for travel expenses. Lunch is provided to grantees during the training portion of the day and will not need to be reimbursed.

Grant Application

Conference Participation Scholarships

The DD Council works to connect Iowans with a developmental disability and their family members with the knowledge and skills needed to become more involved in the decision-making processes that impacts their ability to be fully included in their community. To assist in this effort, we provide grants of up to $1,000 annually to statewide organizations to support the participation of Iowans with developmental disabilities and their family members at our conferences.

Organizations such as Easter Seals, the Autism Society of Iowa, and the Iowa Braille and Sight Saving School have benefitted in the past. They used the funds to cover items such as registration fees for individuals who wished to attend, transportation to and from the conference, and other expenses necessary for an individual with a developmental disability and/or a family member to attend.

You can find all of the information you will need to apply here.

Grant Application

Town Hall Advocacy Grants

The DD Council offers grant funds to local advocacy groups that are led by people with disabilities who have a plan to take action in their community by hosting a town hall meeting with elected officials. These events should encourage Iowans with disabilities to be advocates on disability-related issues. Click the button below to download the application and learn more.

Grant Application

Voter Empowerment Grants

If people with disabilities voted at the same rate as similar people without disabilities, there would be an additional 2.0 million voters. The Iowa DD Council wants to see more people with disabilities vote! We want people with disabilities to help us make this happen.

We are offering MONEY to advocacy groups led by people with disabilities to: 

  • Train their peers on voting rights and why their voice matters.
  • Guide them on how to cast their ballot on election day.
  • Invite candidates and elected officials to speak and learn about disability issues.
Grant Application
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