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Listen to recordings of past events, such as Capitol Chats, Advocacy Training 101, webinars, town halls, and more.

Virtual Legislative Open House

Our virtual legislative open house was a chance for people to learn more about the DD Council's public policy priorities for 2025 and why our priorities are important. We invited legislators to attend and take part in the conversation to help us continue making positive changes for Iowans.

Download Event Presentation

Capitol Chat Recordings

The Iowa DD Council hosts monthly Capitol Chat events to give you an opportunity to hear our public policy manager and lobbyist talk about the issues you care about. This is a great chance to get expert advice, listen to special guests, and find out what’s happening at the Capitol.

Watch the videos below to see what was discussed during recent events. All recordings can be found on our YouTube channel.

Capitol Chat Image

2024 IAble Webinar: IAble Information and Updates

As part of ABLE to Save Month in April, the Iowa State Treasurer’s IAble team and the Iowa DD Council hosted a webinar to share information about IAble to help individuals with disabilities pursue financial freedom.

We covered important topics like investment options, features of the plan, the ABLE to Work plan, and more! We were also joined by account-holders to learn more about their experiences.

AEAs and Special Education in Iowa | Virtual Town Hall Part 1

The Iowa Developmental Disabilities Council invited Iowans to share their thoughts on the legislative proposal by Governor Kim Reynolds to change how the Area Education Agencies (AEA) and special education services in Iowa are structured.

This meeting was held on January 18, 2024.

Click here for the recording with ASL interpreting.

A Conversation with State Leadership About the Proposed Changes to the Special Education System | Virtual Town Hall Part 2

The Iowa DD Council hosted a continued discussion about Governor Reynolds' proposed changes to special education services and the structure of the Area Education Agencies (AEAs) in Iowa. We were joined by Director Snow from the Department of Education and Director Garcia from the Department of Health and Human Services.

This event took place on Tuesday, February 27, 2024.

Click here for the recording with ASL interpreting.

Advocacy Training 101

Advocacy is important, and we want you to have the tools to effectively advocate for yourself and others. In our Advocacy 101 training, we discuss what advocates do, why advocacy is important, how to shape your message, and how to advocate successfully.

Download Event Presentation

InfoNET Stakeholder Group Meeting

Bill, Amy, and Brooke talk with community members about which infoNET tools are helpful and which could be improved to best meet the needs of Iowans. 

More Money, Less Problems:

Learn How to Work & Keep Your Benefits

In partnership with Iowa Workforce Development, the DD Council hosted an informational webinar for those interested in learning how to get a job, work more hours, and keep their benefits without losing services. 

Legislative Town Hall Recordings

Find out what we discussed during our virtual town hall events. These meetings bring together Council members and disability advocates from across the state to discuss key advocacy topics and share our legislative priorities. The Iowa DD Council is partnering with self-advocates to reach out to legislators, provide an opportunity to connect with local DD Council members, and help us identify new or existing areas of advocacy. 

February 26, 2021, Town Hall Video

Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month

The DD Council and the University of Iowa Center for Disabilities and Development hosted Moving Towards Change: A Virtual Celebration as part of National Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month 2021. Watch the recording to hear from some of our Community Living Ambassadors about their lives, successes, and personal journeys in transitioning into community living as individuals with disabilities.

Celebrating DDAM 2022 with the Community Ambassadors

"Moving Towards Change" DDAM Celebration

Digital Storytelling Workshop

Hosted by the Iowa Family Leadership Training Institute | Sponsored by a grant from the Iowa DD Council

During the summer, the Iowa Family Leadership Training Institute hosted a digital storytelling workshop for parents and primary caregivers of children and youth with special health care needs, including behavioral health needs.

The three-day workshop was designed to help families bring their story to life for advocacy and healing.

Disability Rights Iowa: Advance Directives Waiver

The Iowa DD Council partnered with Disability Rights Iowa to discuss advance directives in Iowa. This 30-minute webinar covers the following:

  1. What are advance directives?
  2. What types of advance directives do we have in Iowa?
  3. Who has to honor an advance directive?
  4. What happens if a person does not have an advance directive?
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