Create change with and for persons with developmental disabilities so they can live, work, learn, and play in the community of their choosing.
Iowans with disabilities and their families are fully included in the communities of their choice.
These dedicated individuals are leading our organization and making strides for change in Iowa.
Iowa’s DD Council was made by a federal law called the Developmental Disabilities Assistance and Bill of Rights Act. This law ensures that people with developmental disabilities get the help they need. It says they should choose their services and be in control.

The DD Council is a group in Iowa that gets money from the federal government. It advocates for Iowans with disabilities so they can live and be part of their community. The Council is made up of volunteers appointed by the Governor. This includes people with disabilities, family members, state government leaders, and other groups that advocate for people with disabilities.
These advocates lead the Council and make good changes in Iowa. To do their job, the DD Council makes a plan every five years for the state. This plan looks at how to make the lives of Iowans with developmental disabilities better. Many people who care about disabilities help make this plan.
Goals for the current state plan:
A developmental disability is a disability that manifests during the developmental years (before age 22) and has a significant ongoing impact on an individual’s life. Examples of a developmental disability include but are not limited to autism, intellectual disability, and cerebral palsy. For the federal definition of developmental disability, please refer to the
Developmental Disabilities Assistance and Bill of Rights Act.
Read the goals and objectives we’ve set to improve the lives of Iowans with developmental disabilities within the next five years.
Review the bylaws that govern and guide the DD Council, including details on the Executive Committee, leadership duties, and more.
See our current legislative agenda to learn the policy issues we are currently working on and meet some of the people who stand to benefit.
View minutes from past meetings plus additional supporting materials such as budgets, PowerPoints, agendas, and more.
Learn more about DD Council programs and how you and your family can get involved.
Community Living Ambassadors speak to people around Iowa about moving into the community of their choice from a state resource center, ICF, or other facility.
Youth Leadership Academy provides an introduction to leadership skills and civic engagement to youth with disabilities.
The Iowa Family Leadership Training Institute provides parents and caregivers of children and youth with special health care needs the opportunity to develop leadership and advocacy skills.
700 2nd Avenue Suite 101
Des Moines, Iowa 50309
P (800) 452-1936
This project is supported by the Administration for Community Living (ACL), U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) as part of a financial assistance award totaling $774,176 with 100 percent funding by ACL/HHS. The contents are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the official views of, nor an endorsement, by ACL/HHS, or the U.S. Government.
All Rights Reserved | Iowa Developmental Disabilities Council