Iowa DD Council Logo



If people with disabilities voted at the same rate as similar people without disabilities, there would be an additional 2.0 million voters.

The Iowa DD Council wants to see more people with disabilities vote! We want people with disabilities to help us make this happen.

We are offering MONEY to advocacy groups led by people with disabilities to: 

  • Train their peers on voting rights and why their voice matters.
  • Guide them on how to cast their ballot on election day.
  • Invite candidates and elected officials to speak and learn about disability issues.

All activities must be non-partisan. Non-partisan means that you cannot support a specific political party or person.

What you need to know:

Grants can range from $100 to $1500. Local advocacy groups should ask for the amount that will make the most impact in their community. Requests should include a plan for using the funding. The DD Council will reimburse you for actual expenses after your event. We must receive receipts and a report of your event first. 

To receive the funding, you must:

  • Fill out the grant application that includes your planned activities and budget request.
  • Sign a grant agreement if your event is approved.
  • Provide a final report of your activities. Let us know how your event went!
  • Provide receipts for reimbursement.

Advocacy groups can be formal or informal. Most of the group should be people with disabilities. Family members, friends, local leaders, and other community members can help. Groups applying should be committed to helping people with disabilities in voting. 

Your Application

Be creative in your request. Describe how you plan to help and support people with disabilities in voting. Here is what we look for in your plan:

  • How will you reach out? Come up with good ways to make sure people with disabilities attend.
  • The expected number of people with disabilities attending.
  • The expected number of elected officials and/or candidates attending.
  • How will you know you did a great job? Did your plan work well? Will people be voting?

The DD Council is here to help! 

We offer support to groups for free! We can provide:

  • Voter training.
  • Help with developing flyers. The DD Council will want to approve any flyers that have our name on them.
  • Outreach help! We can share your information with our network of advocates.




The DD Council will award multiple grants in varying ranges. Actual grant amounts awarded will be stated in the grant contract and reimbursements will be provided based on actual expenses.


To the right, tell us about your voter empowerment event. Include the following:

  • Where your event is.  
  • The date and time for your event.    
  • What you plan to do.  
  • How you will invite people.  
  • Disability issues that will be discussed.  
  • List of elected officials and community leaders who will be invited.


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